
Batman came down my house just now. I didn’t even greet him neither did I smile at him.  Hah. I’m still angry at him ok. He “buih-ed” me twice. On both occasion, he tertido mati. I think if bomb meletup pon, he wont bangon. Tsk. And now thanks to him, I still have yet to register my bike license. Deng bacen btol lah. Seriously, I won’t talk to him unless he says sorry, which I doubt will happen. He damn ego, you dunno meh? So yep, unless he says sorry to me, I won’t talk to him. Hmph.

On a brighter side, I finally saw Hafiidz’s new hair style. Hahaha. I saw him at the bridge just now; I actually laughed out loud. Bad I know, but I really can’t help it. He looks so innocent now. Gone is he black metal look, now he’s more like a school kid. Side parting and all. Haha. I bet the next time I meet him; I won’t stop grinning at him. I need some time to get use to my brother’s new look, you know.

Heh. Rad rad. You really do have weird friends. =D

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